Data Exploration with Python, Part 3
Embarking on an Insight-Finding Mission
This is the third post in our Data Exploration with Python series. Before reading this post, make sure to check out Part 1 and Part 2!
Preparing yourself and your data like we have done thus far in this series is essential to analyzing your data well. However, the most exciting part of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is actually . . .
Posted in: exploratory analysispythonvisualization
Basics of Entity Resolution
with Python and Dedupe
Entity resolution (ER) is the task of disambiguating records that correspond to real world entities across and within datasets. The applications of entity resolution are tremendous, particularly for public sector and federal datasets related to health, transportation, finance, law enforcement, and antiterrorism.
Unfortunately, the . . .
Posted in: dedupeentity resolutionpython
Data Exploration with Python, Part 2
Preparing Your Data to be Explored
This is the second post in our Data Exploration with Python series. Before reading this post, make sure to check out Data Exploration with Python, Part 1!
Mise en place (noun): In a professional kitchen, the disciplined organization and preparation of equipment and food before service begins.
When performing . . .
Forward Propagation: Building a Skip-Gram Net From the Ground Up
Part 1: Skip-gram Feedforward
Editor's Note: This post is part of a series based on the research conducted in District Data Labs' NLP Research Lab. Make sure to check out the other posts in the series so far:
- NLP Research Lab Part 1: Distributed Representations
- NLP Research Lab Part 2: Skip-Gram Architecture Overview
Let's . . .
Posted in: machine learningnlppython
Data Exploration with Python, Part 1
Preparing Yourself to Become a Great Explorer
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an important pillar of data science, a critical step required to complete every project regardless of the domain or the type of data you are working with. It is exploratory analysis that gives us a sense of what additional work should be performed to quantify and extract insights from our data. It also . . .
Python Exception Handling Basics
Exceptions are a crucial part of higher level languages, and although exceptions might be frustrating when they occur, they are your friend. The alternative to an exception is a panic — an error in execution that at best simply makes the program die and at worst can cause a blue screen of death. Exceptions, on the other hand, are tools . . .
Posted in: python
Principal Component Analysis with Python
An Overview and Tutorial
The amount of data generated each day from sources such as scientific experiments, cell phones, and smartwatches has been growing exponentially over the last several years. Not only are the number data sources increasing, but the data itself is also growing richer as the number of features in the data increases. Datasets with a large number . . .
Posted in: machine learningpython