The Trends Behind What's Trending
Anticipating the Extent of Article Virality
Editor's Note: This article highlights one of the capstone projects from the Georgetown Data Science Certificate program, where several of the DDL faculty teach. We've invited groups with interesting projects to share an overview of their work here on the DDL blog. We hope you find their projects interesting and are able to learn from . . .
Python Exception Handling Basics
Exceptions are a crucial part of higher level languages, and although exceptions might be frustrating when they occur, they are your friend. The alternative to an exception is a panic — an error in execution that at best simply makes the program die and at worst can cause a blue screen of death. Exceptions, on the other hand, are tools . . .
Posted in: python
Getting Started in Open Source
A Primer for Data Scientists
I really, honestly love programming... I also love collaborating, exchanging ideas, learning better and faster ways to accomplish things that I'm already familiar with or, even better, learning completely new things that broaden my horizons as a developer or person... I enjoy getting feedback from friends - or programmers I'm . . .
Posted in: open source
Principal Component Analysis with Python
An Overview and Tutorial
The amount of data generated each day from sources such as scientific experiments, cell phones, and smartwatches has been growing exponentially over the last several years. Not only are the number data sources increasing, but the data itself is also growing richer as the number of features in the data increases. Datasets with a large number . . .
Posted in: machine learningpython
NLP Research Lab Part 2: Skip-Gram Architecture Overview
Editor's Note: This post is part of a series based on the research conducted in District Data Labs' NLP Research Lab. Make sure to check out NLP Research Lab Part 1: Distributed Representations.
Chances are, if you’ve been working in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or machine learning, you’ve heard of the class of . . .
Posted in: machine learningnlppython
NLP Research Lab Part 1: Distributed Representations
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Word Embeddings
Editor's Note: This post is part of a series based on the research conducted in District Data Labs' NLP Research Lab.
This post is about Distributed Representations, a concept that is foundational not only to the understanding of data processing in machine learning, but also to the understanding of information processing and . . .
Posted in: machine learningnlppython
Beyond the Word Cloud
Visualizing Text with Python
In this article, we explore two extremely powerful ways to visualize text: word bubbles and word networks. These two visualizations are replacing word clouds as the defacto text visualization of choice because they are simple to create, understandable, and provide deep and valuable at-a-glance insights. In this post, we will examine how to . . .